#1802 CryoDose TA – Mist 115mL #1803 CryoDose TA – Medium Stream 115mL #1804 CryoDose TA – Medium Stream 35mL #1805 CryoDose TA – Mist 35mL
Clinical & therapeutic equivalent to ethyl chloride
Identical ingredients as Pain Ease®
Non-toxic – no inhalation precautions
Same indications, plus
Minor open wounds
Starting IVs & venipuncture
Intact oral /nasal mucus membranes
Concern over ethyl chloride risks are real – HAZMAT risks (and costs), toxicities (with cancer indications), flammability, and even inhalation precautions.
Surprisingly, many healthcare providers are unaware of ethyl chloride’s risks.
Regional governments are increasingly identifying ethyl chloride as a HAZMAT material (California’s CA Prop 65 impacts over 37 million people)
We’re happy to provide you with any tools and info you may need.